RIP.In the original Mass Effect game Liara probably seemed like a great choice as a love interest for your character - Liara doesn’t care if you are male or female, once you’ve been touched by Prothean Technology she’ll want you and, in addition to that her conversation choices for the romance option are pretty obvious making it very easy to romance her. So get searching, the dog tags are quite easy to find and would mean alot to the families of the fallen original Normandy Crew. Its the honourable thing to do in this emotional DLC, a free download and a touching tribute to some charachters that you may remember from the original Mass Effect. An ugly gold statue placed and mission complete, you can now return back to your ship DLC complete, once of course you do the good deed and collect all 20 dog tags. Simply press the melee key on your chosen location when the ‘Press F to place the monument’ message appears. Voilà. So if you do not use standard key layouts, and cannot place the monument, go to options and work out what you bound your melee key too. The on screen display telling you what keys to press has always been faulty, if you change any key in the options it will display the original bind, a widely known and documented Mass Effect 2 bug.

Despite pressing the F key multiple times, as instructed when you walk over a suitable location to drop this tribute, if you have changed your melee key, no matter how hard you hit the F key, you will get nowhere. If you have access to the Cerberus network and have downloaded the moving ‘Normandy Crash Site’ DLC, you may be stuck like I was, laying down the monument. You can clearly tell this is an Xbox port! I seem to be stumbling upon a few bugs in Mass Effect 2, and all are down to making a few changes to the standard key bindings. Press F to place monument not working? Try your melee key!